Saturday, December 20, 2008

The New "Z"

OK. I have been out of the loop for some time. Not because I have been ignoring you but, I had a glitch. Could not get into my blog to add new stuff.

Since I have been away, I have had a lot of time to think about "Z". Let's see what she thought:

1. The employment market is just off the chain.

2. I need to be employed or my sewing and crocheting must kick it up a notch.

3. Since I have all the necessary equipment, sewing and crocheting are my best ticket.

4. How do I start?

5. My daughter and my play daughter have devised a sure fire plan.

6. Plan - SEWING and they have added to my idea to start afresh for the new year.

So, I will supplement my income by sewing. This gives me the means to stay at home, leave when I want, wake up when I want, go to bed when I want, and anything else that I want. Please stay tuned to see this wonderful plan my daughters and I have devised!!!

Chique aZ Me is hereby launched. More to come.

1 comment:

Erica Bunker said...

Great idea! I wish you the best of luck!